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  • 2019/11/19
  • 3 min

Italians and budget management

Italians manage their budgets properly, but they have difficulty planning some expenses. These are the findings of the Agos Monitor observatory, created by Agos and the Eumetra MR Institute, which aims to study the evolution of Italian consumer behaviour.


70% of Italians manage their budgets carefully, but only 16% plan their expenses in detail. To get an accurate portrait of budget management habits in Italy, 30% of Italians can be considered as "cicadas" (no planning), 54% as "cautious" (planning of large projects) and 16% as "ants" (with a strong planning orientation).

The study also shows that the most careful planning is reserved for car/motorcycle expenses (81%) and food (53%), while these items are not the most financially demanding.


"The management of family budgets is approximate, more focused on obvious, recurring and memorable expenses, and less on expenses that require more thought. This shows that Italians need help to plan their spending.”

Flavio Salvischiani Deputy General Manager of Agos

Finally, 73% of Italians believe that good budgetary management gives peace of mind. This feeling is more widespread among young people (84% between 18 and 24 years of age) who, with primary responsibility, pay more attention to their expenses. On the contrary, older people (67% between 45 and 54 years old) are less inclined to manage their budgets rigorously.